: Al-Hajj Mustafa Ajuga facilitates financial reporting training at Sebei Farmers Cooperative Society Limited, Chepskunya Town Council, Kween District.
Read MoreFinancial reporting training is crucial for rural community organizations, and it promotes project success and organizational growth. All USADF/G0U grantees are currently supervised by Uganda Development Trust and undergo mandatory…
Ultrasound Scan purchased by Nkuruba Health Center using USADF Funding.
Read MoreIt is estimated that each year in Uganda, 5,700 women die in pregnancy and childbirth. The current child mortality rate in Uganda is listed at 131 per 1,000 live births,…
UDET Develops new Strategic Plan.
Read MoreA five-year strategic plan being developed by Uganda Development Trust will enable it to provide its clients with grant management and business development services and diversify its revenue sources. Over…
Launching the Namubuka Area Cooperative Enterprise USADF Funded Maize processing mill
Read MoreIn Uganda, small-scale farmers have few options for adding value to their harvests. As a result, their ability to compete in the local maize flour and export markets is hampered.…
Preparing Arabica Coffee for export at Mount Elgon Coffee and Honey Cooperative Society.
Read MoreFor more than 15 years, Uganda Development Trust has provided technical assistance and business development services to coffee cooperatives throughout Uganda. Exporting certified specialty organic coffee to international buyers who…
Kamutur Oil Seed Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited members undertaking the Poverty Probability Index (PPI) survey By UDET
Read MoreThe Poverty Probability Index (PPI) is a survey that the Uganda Development Trust conducts on all selected United States African Development Foundation grantees in Uganda. The aim is to evaluate…
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